For a while now Mayzie has shown that she understands a few things. If you say, "Come Here" she will crawl over to you. She understands words like, clap, wave bye bye and her name.
The past few weeks she has consistently made sounds that sound similar to words and some that don't. She says, geesh (sounds like quiche with a G sound) and sometimes she points to something and says, "geesh." We have no idea what geesh is but she says it all the time. If I walk into a room and wave, she might wave and say something that sounds like, "Hi." I've been waving and saying hi to her for months now every time I see her whether I've been gone all day or a few minutes. She does this about 6-7 out of 10 times. The rest of the time she just smiles real big and starts crawling toward me.
BUT in the last week she's really been saying something consistently that could be her first word. I'm going to let her say it 2 or 3 more time before I'm ready to call it her first word. Because like the skeptical scientist I am, I don't take anyone's word for it and I don't want to assume only to find out later I'm wrong.
She's been saying, "dadada", "bababa", etc, etc for months. But over the past several days, when I would walk by or through a room she would smile and say, "dada." I didn't really put a lot of stock into until this weekend. Every time she would see me, she would say, "dada." Being the skeptical, but admittedly bias, person I would chalk it up to, the "oh that's cute" thought. I would respond and say, "yes this is daddy" and usually get down and kiss her or pick her up for a quick hug while I worked on the house. I figured it was just a fluke, but all day Saturday and Sunday she did it, and other people made notice that she did it. Then Monday came (I was home from work) and she would see me and say, "dada" not every time but frequent enough. Tuesday, I was again home and again she would say, "dada" not every time but most of the time.
THEN... Wednesday came. I was gone all day to work. I hadn't seen her since Tuesday night. Right as I arrived home we got into the car to go to eat and that's when she saw me and with a clear look me dead in the eyes (I don't think she ever blinks) look she said, "Dada" and smiled big. I was floored.
I really don't want to be one of those parents that, "oh look at what my kid is doing." Then everyone looks and it is a stretch of the imagination to see what the parent sees. After the past 4 days, capped with last night's incident I was 99% convinced she knew both how to say, "dada" and the context in which to say it. But I still am waiting for more independent verification from some of our friends to make it official.
Either way, I'm starting to think that Dada is going to be her first word.
The past few weeks she has consistently made sounds that sound similar to words and some that don't. She says, geesh (sounds like quiche with a G sound) and sometimes she points to something and says, "geesh." We have no idea what geesh is but she says it all the time. If I walk into a room and wave, she might wave and say something that sounds like, "Hi." I've been waving and saying hi to her for months now every time I see her whether I've been gone all day or a few minutes. She does this about 6-7 out of 10 times. The rest of the time she just smiles real big and starts crawling toward me.
BUT in the last week she's really been saying something consistently that could be her first word. I'm going to let her say it 2 or 3 more time before I'm ready to call it her first word. Because like the skeptical scientist I am, I don't take anyone's word for it and I don't want to assume only to find out later I'm wrong.
She's been saying, "dadada", "bababa", etc, etc for months. But over the past several days, when I would walk by or through a room she would smile and say, "dada." I didn't really put a lot of stock into until this weekend. Every time she would see me, she would say, "dada." Being the skeptical, but admittedly bias, person I would chalk it up to, the "oh that's cute" thought. I would respond and say, "yes this is daddy" and usually get down and kiss her or pick her up for a quick hug while I worked on the house. I figured it was just a fluke, but all day Saturday and Sunday she did it, and other people made notice that she did it. Then Monday came (I was home from work) and she would see me and say, "dada" not every time but frequent enough. Tuesday, I was again home and again she would say, "dada" not every time but most of the time.
THEN... Wednesday came. I was gone all day to work. I hadn't seen her since Tuesday night. Right as I arrived home we got into the car to go to eat and that's when she saw me and with a clear look me dead in the eyes (I don't think she ever blinks) look she said, "Dada" and smiled big. I was floored.
I really don't want to be one of those parents that, "oh look at what my kid is doing." Then everyone looks and it is a stretch of the imagination to see what the parent sees. After the past 4 days, capped with last night's incident I was 99% convinced she knew both how to say, "dada" and the context in which to say it. But I still am waiting for more independent verification from some of our friends to make it official.
Either way, I'm starting to think that Dada is going to be her first word.
Mama is only a little jealous, not much.