This weekend while the wife and the baby were out of town, I worked on getting the house ready to sale. Our stager made a list of things and I began working on them. I HAD A BLAST!!! I wish I could do that everyday only with the family there. I worked 22 1/2 hours on Saturday on the house and very close to the same on Sunday. I know, I was busy and sleepy. BUT I got a lot of things done and the house is coming together nicely.
Three things I noticed while I was working on the house. One is that 5k goes a lot further than you think when you're willing and able to do most of the grunt work. So far we've painted the ceiling in our living room, it makes a big difference in the light. We've replaced all the fans in our house, which made a HUGE difference in our bedroom, it might be too bright now. We've also installed new plugs and several new GFCI circuits because of code issues and to make them more uniformed. We are going to have several windows fixed that had problems and install recessed lights in the dinning room. The biggest change is our guest bathroom. We've completely removed the vanity, toilet and took up the linoleum floor that was in there. IT was a lot of hard work, but the floor is almost ready to be leveled and then.... TILE and probably a new vanity!!
I'm excited because it was long over due and it has been cheap enough to make me question why I hadn't done them already! Which leads me to the next thing I have thought, why do I feel guilty? All this work has actually made me feel guilty about doing this work just to get ready to leave. It is a strange feeling, I don't know who I'm even feeling guilty toward, myself, my wife, the house... who?
Which again brings me to the next thing I've learned... maybe I like this house now. The more I we keep doing to the house the things we've always wanted to do, but never done, the more I think... maybe we should stay. I really think it is the guilt talking but I'm liking the house now. I think I'll really like it with the tile but the thought of staying has crossed my mind a few times.
I can't wait to see the finished product!! :)