Friday, March 19, 2010

Lubbock to 100 days!

There are less than 100 days to my wave start of the Buffalo Springs 70.3! Oh I'm nervous just thinking about it!

Strangely, I think I am going to be well prepared for it. I still have a lot of work but a lot can be done in 14 weeks and I'm going to have some fun. It will be the day before the baby's 1 year birthday!!! This was the race I was supposed to do but had to fly home because the baby came. My flight left 20 minutes after the start of my wave.

The 100 day mark is really a reminder that every day I need to be monitoring my diet, making sure I push myself hard at every workout and get good sleep! I can't wait!!

IF anyone wants to do some riding, running or swimming let me know, I could always use a workout partner or heck just do it with me!

1 comment:

  1. I will do some running, biking, and swimming with you, but they will have to be your recovery workouts. :)
