Monday, November 9, 2009


In an effort to make this a more interesting blog, instead of a boring running fanatic blog I'll try and be a little more transparent about other places that I am involved in.

I like the title of my blog, and I feel it represents me well, because I think I can do anything. It is confidence, in myself, my family, and the things God has given me. Most people interpret this as arrogance, but its not. Arrogance is where you think you can do things better than everyone else. It is an attitude of superiority. Sometimes I'll admit, I border on the arrogant side. It usually stems from having thought of and experimented solutions to a process many many times.

The problem I run into is, I hate to fail. I hate to fail publicly even more. I especially hate to fail when it involves money. And here lies today's topic, risk! I'm not a big risk taker. I don't think I've ever really been a risk taker. Now that I have a wife and daughter I'm really not a big risk taker. It has to seem like a pretty sure thing for me to invest anything into an idea that has risk. I won't even invest time, if I'm not sure about things.

The good news, I have never lost lots of money or been publicly humiliated or failed on a large scale. The bad news is I feel like I have a lot of trapped potential and sometimes holding it in is more difficult than dealing with the failure. It causes me to hate things, my commute, my house, my job, my hobbies and their expenses, and it effects my relationship with God. I hate the way I've been created. And because everyone around me does not think like me, it is difficult to find someone that can relate, advise and help me reconcile my heart and my mind. I don't have the answer, and I feel like I'm failing.


  1. Looking at you blogging so early...were you up at 5:35am? I am proud of who you are and who you are becoming. I am thankful that you are not content with the staus quo. I know God is stirring great things in you. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  2. What a rush. Did you proof read that? In one blog you went from, "I feel like I can do anything" to "I feel like a failure". You need to blog more often, you've got pented up emotion.

    First, failing somthing doesn't mean you're a failure. At least it better not, I fail lots of times, but I'm not a failure, (at least Mom says I'm not).

    Failing is critical to learning. Do you want to learn? (I'll assume you're nodding). Then you have to fail.

    God gives us exaclty the amount if grace we need to succeed. It's like a boat.

    The total wieght of a boat displaces EXACLTY the same weight of water. Not almost the same, not a little less, EXACLTY the same weight of water. Make the boat heavier, it will simply adjust by displacing a little more water. Its a perfect harmony of physical law. So it is with grace.
    Fail! Learn. Try again better than the time before.

    Enjoyed reading into your soul. Don't stop. Let it bleed!
